Melissa and Chip are the founders of You Can NOT be Replaced. Chip studied Agronomy at Rutgers University and was the General Manager of a Golf courses for 17 years. Melissa has an art and design degree, is a portrait artist and studied Church and Ministry at LaSalle University through an intesive 3-5 year formation program with the Diocese of Trenton.
The Dayton's are the parents of 8 children, 4-26.
The Dayton's have been involved in youth, marriage and family programs for over 18 years and have studied extensively substance use|abuse, crisis, relationship skills, the developing brain and teens. Navigating family life has taught great, valuable and sometimes difficult life lessons| Varisty Parent is a sampling of that hindsight
Since January of 2013 The Daytons have spoken to over 10,000 students. Topics of thier assemblies are below. Contact them for more information.
Redefining Succuss Sr high
FIVE Jr high
Proactive Parenting Workshops
Cherish3 Workshops for girls 12-18
Heroin: Reality|Recovery|Hope
You Can NOT Be Replaced® blog

Team Members

Emily Dayton is the co-founder of YCNBR. She has come back to the east coast from the University of Dallas where she was majoring in Fine Art to be closer to home and help with the organization. She'll be finishing at Cabrini College with a major in communications and her painting will be her minor. Emily recieved her graphic design certificate while still in high school and does all our design work, tshirts, advertising and our logos.
Did you know? Emily has no vision other than perphial out of her left eye as the result of a birthmark on her cornea as an infant. She paints, draws and plays soccer with sight in only one eye.

Quinn Batcho has been a team member of YCNBR since the first couple months we were together. Quinn studied theater production and management with a degree in Theater and Dance from Montclair State University. Quinn is a graduate student at Monmouth University and will be getting her Masters in Social Work. Quinn is helps with our planning of events and fundraising.
Did you know? Quinn rode an elephant in Thailand on the trip of a lifetime that she took by herself...with 20 YCNBR wristbands to pass ofcourse.

Amanda Matyas joined our team almost at the beginning. She just graduated as an English Major from Catholic University. In the fall Amanda will be pursuing her Mastors in education at Kean University. Amada is our 'Twitter Chick'. She finds all the inspirational quotes you read every morning. Amanda will be interning for us while at Kean helping out with events, concerts, scheduling school assemblies and organizing databases.
Did you know? Amanda has been competing as an Irish step dancer since she was little. She competed in regional and national championships mulitple times and she has even qualified for the world championships.

Christopher Dayton has been on the team since the beginning. He majored in Political Science at Christendom College. He is now a second year seminarian at St. Mary's University and Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland. Christopher works as our communications director, helps plan events and is an essential part of planning and executing of the mission of the irreplaceable person.
Did you know? Christopher spent 4 years in politics writing legislation and working on campaigns. He has met Governor Christie, Mitt Romney and Bill Cosby. Hurricane Sandy hit and Christopher began volunteering with YCNBR and our town. He worked closely with several churches and eventually chose to go to seminary and leave politics.
Erik Massimino is an amazing talent who produced the films from Step Back for a Moment. He also filmed our young people round table a couple weeks before. Eric is a senior at Monmouth University studying film production. He has worked on movie sets and with the NHL, in addition to his own production company. He won the Garden State Film Festival as a senior in high school . Erik is going to be an integral part of YCNBR lending his eye and expertise to our creative messaging, assemblies and concerts.
Did you know? When Erik turned 17 instead of buying a car with the money he had saved, he bought his first video camera. With the money he made from working with his new business he eventually bought himself a car. Win|Win
Bryan Nevin is new to our YCNBR team. Bryan has a miraculous story of surviving and conquering the demons in his life. At 12 he turned down the long road of substance abuse with alcohol. He progressed to pot, hallucinogens and ended with a heroin addiction that lasted 9 years. His journey took him to 9 rehabs, several detox centers, and a dozen stays in jails.
Miraculously, Bryan is now 7 years clean and sober enjoying a life of structured recovery and healthy living. He lives on the Jersey Shore, works in the construction industry, and creates unique hand crafted furniture. Bryan is looking forward to traveling to schools sharing his message of hope speaking with You Can NOT Be Replaced.
Did you know? Bryan is also a yoga instructor teaching Kundalini yoga and practices meditation as a key element in his recovery/contentment and healthy life style.

Michael Penkethman
Michael has been an advisor for YCNBR since the beginning, coming to planning meetings and financial brain storming but has now been officially added to the board. Michael is an excellent speaker and presents to large companies methods of understanding different personality, relationship and communication styles. Michael works with young people and coaches several sorts teams. He is experienced in addiction recovery and offers an insight into outreach and education. He lives in Wall NJ and is the father of 6 children and husband to Allison.

Susan Brennan
Susan has been with YCNBR since before we were a 5013c non profit. Sue has contributed her legal expertise, spent countless hours assisting us in our registering and filing with our accountants, state and government. She has been a trusted wisdom person and proof reader of much of our content, business plan and purpose.
Sue is the mother of 6 children and works as an attorney. She homeschooled her children for 7 years and is now involved in her school PTO as outreach coordinator for families in crisis or transition.

Kim Beyer
Kim is a Spring Lake HTS resident and mother of her amazingly kind daughter Grace, a Derek Jeter fan and Director of Happiess at Raceway Park in Englishtown. Kim's background is in education but she spends her days mentoring young people who work on her team at Raceway Park. She give 110% to her work and her family. Her heart is as big as the Grand Canyon and she is very excited to help us reach more kids than we ever hoped for using her gifts, talents and wisdom. She has already contributed greatly helping with the Color Run and future event planning.

Dr. Jim Louro
Jim lives in Wall NJ and is also the father of 6 children. He and his wife Judy are long time community members. He is a doctor of Chiropractic and offers valuable knowledge in treating addiction and mental health issues through diet, exercise and natural treatments. Jim serves on the board at his alma mater Life University and has been the chiropractor for the national rugby team. He has taught and coached young people and offers his expertise to young people in rehabs as alternative ways to deal with pain. He is a wise and kind soul that is our our latest addition ot our team. We are thrilled to have him.

Melissa and Chip Dayton
Emily Dayton
Melissa and Chip are the founders of YCNBR. They bring with them 18 years of marriage and family ministry. Chip studied agronomy at Rutgers and ran Suneagles Golf Course for over 15 years. He has led men's groups, character clubs for Jr high boys and high school groups. He recently worked in Hurricane Relief and stepped down to work on YCNBR full time.
Melissa is an artist and completed a formation program with LaSalle University and the Diocese of Trenton in 2013. She has led women, youth and marriage groups.
They have 8 children and are committed to to reach as many young people as possible.
Emily Dayton is the founder of YCNBR. She is a senior at Cabrini college in Pa. She spent her Sophomore and Junior years in Texas majoring in fine art but returned to Cabrini for her senior year to major in communications and be more involved with the orgainization. Emily has a graphic design certificate from high school and does all the graphic work for YCNBR. She will be graduatiing in June and will be with us full time and available for speaking.
Without Tim
The first boy our community lost was Tim. For some reason Emily always felt a connection to him though she had never met him. Over the years Emilys curiosity grew into a friendship with Tims Mom. Emily helped design Lisa's book cover.
Lisa's book is a must read for all parents. It gives an honest look into a family with parents that were devoted to thier children, addressed any issues that came up with grace and with every ounce of who they were. Still, Tim stuggled. Lisa gives an honest window into the damage that can be done with drugs and alcohol in the life of a teen. That path sadly led Tim to a desperate depression. Tim was an honor student, 4th in his class, and an athlete with a scholarship to Drexel, but he suffered still.
If you find that you are in a place of real sadness that you just cant shake, or if you know deep in your heart that you need help please go to Lisa Schenke’s website.
Losing Tim in April of 2008. Lisa through her grief has become a strong advocate and source for those who struggle. Her powerful book that we think is a must for all parents. Other links to websites and hotlines that could help you are on her page.
Please always remember you are loved, you are valuable and that there is always hope.
Chip and I had the honor of sitting with Michael DeLeon back in February of 2014. What an incredible wealth of knowledge he has in drugs and prevention. He has a great passion to impact the lives of young people and travels to schools doing powerful presentations. Please take the time to read through his work and order his DVD documentary 'Kids are Dying' at the link to the left. Educate yourself!
and a couple more links

Our amazing family portrait was taken by NJ photographer Patti Schmidt
Please take a moment to see her work, it is truly beautiful
All the photos on the website were taken by Andrew Dayton. If you would like a print, contact him here.
Our AWESOME event t-shirts are printed by the fabulous New Wave Screen printers in Manasquan, NJ.
Check them out
36,000 of our passable wristbands are traveling across
the USA, Canada, UK and Australia
and counting....
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted" Aesop