Our favorite part: Your Stories
"The students at the school I work at fully embraced the meaning behind the wristbands. What started off with one teacher buying one wristband for each member in his class, then led to an entire school buying wristbands for themselves and their friends. Students made sure to pass them on over the month of October if they saw someone who seemed to be in need of some extra kindness. Parents were sending students with extra money to buy wristbands for people they knew outside of school, and staff members were donating money and telling students to use these donations to then put aside wristbands for people who they felt would be in need of a wristband. It truly has changed the culture of the school in one short month, and the hope is that this small act of kindness will not only spread school wide, but surpass expectations and spread kindness throughout the world."
High School Guidance Counselor
I picked up a few of your bands at a recent high school program , I gave one to my daughter and son and I put the other on my arm. I explained to the kids what it was for, talked through the literature you had handed out and went about the evening. I wore my band to work every day after, until today.
I work for a local doctor and I was sitting in my office overhearing a conversation between a mother and her son.....He apparently was having trouble in school and was very frustrated and down. I listen to them for a minute and then went in the room...I asked how their day was going and that the doctor would be in shortly. The boy had his head down, no smile. Mom looked exhausted. I said to the boy, I was sitting in the room next door and overheard your conversation...I said don't give up, you'll get through this, my son went through the same thing and then I looked at my arm...I said ya know I have something for you...and I gave it too him he smiled when he read it...I told him how to wear it and what he needed to do from then on. I said have a nice day and went back into my office
....I could hear them talking again, different than before, better..... he came to my door before they left smiled and said thank you....I was a good day and a great feeling....please send me more bands, in my line of business of not just young people but also the elderly a little boost is a great thing!
Your organization is awesome!
'My daughter came home with the bracelet tucked inside her report card! So glad her principal loved the one I gave her! The entire 5th grade class moving on to middle school got one!'-'
Thank you with all of my heart for what you are doing'.
Passing to actor Stephen Fry
" I was extremely nervous, but I managed it. He's been a hero of mine since I was 12, I just turned 36. He is a reason that I am still alive and it was wonderful to be able to pay it forward by giving him the bracelet.
He attempted to take his own life last year and my wish to give him something to know how much he meant to me led me to you."
-'I am so blessed to be a part of this family!! So grateful!!'
Hey - I want to let you know you guys have changed my life because ive never felt this way before. You've helped me realize I can't be replaced there's only one beautiful me.
You've not only changed me but you've changed my school and have helped me spread my wings. I can now stop hiding behind lies and let my true colors show!
I mean I've cut,been abused and bullied and sent to hospitals before and I felt like just a mistake n this world but you guys have proved me wrong i really hope you continue to do what your doing.
Changing people's lives one at a time.
God bless you!
'Today was my last day at work and I passed my bracelet onto my co-worker. She noticed it when I first started working and I had explained it to her before, not knowing that she would soon my its recipient!
Well, when I gave it to her today and told her how special she was she started crying! I never thought something as small as a bracelet could have the power to bring about such emotion from someone! Of course because she was crying I started to tear up too!
So thanks to you, I got to witness another moment of God's beautiful grace! She is a wonderful independent woman who I know has faced her fair share of struggles in her life and I hope when she looks at her bracelet she will always find the strength to keep moving forward and to keep being her awesome self!
Again, what you are doing is AWESOME and I can't wait to give away more of my bracelets!'
I ordered 100 of the You Cannot Be Replaced bands to distribute at my school. I gave the first of the bands you gave me while I was in Manasquan to a student 2 days ago.
He is a kid who often finds himself in trouble at school. He has a lousy home life and very angry.
This past weekend he was at school to help out with a campus cleanup day that we had, and he was working so hard. I just felt that he would be the perfect kid to give the first band.
We talked on Monday, and I told him how proud I was of his effort. I told him about You Cannot Be Replaced and I asked him to be the first to pass it on at our school. I also suggested that he use his band as a reminder to help him control his anger and frustration. He could snap the band and tell himself to "snap out of it" and make good decisions.
I wasn't sure if he really heard me or if he would do it. So, imagine my surprise when he came back to me today with a big smile on his face. He could not wait to tell me that he had already passed on the band and was hoping to get another. He chose one of his classmates who is always doing nice things for others.
Interestingly, the two are not really friends. But he recognized the other boys kindness. I just wanted to cry. So now he has his second band and he is looking for the opportunity to pass it on again. Now I want to get more bands out to the kids in our school and see if we can spread the kindness. Just thought I would share.
Can't wait to get more bands to pass out!! I am so happy to have found your website. All the best
'Just wanted to let you know how much your bands...work...has changed my life.
I am 53...had a childhood of severe sexual abuse...I have relied on self injury for most of my life to survive. Last Dec. my daughter passed away from cystic fibrosis and a virus after her double lung transplant.
I was in and out of the hospital several times. Then my friend gave me one of your bands. I sat with the razor blade and looked at the band. Thought of how much my friend cared about me...how much I had still here on earth...and how much my daughter's story needed to be shared. I could not do that for her if I were not here!
I have been able , slowly, to stop cutting! For the first time in years I fel more in control of my self. I even have a friend now who is also dealing with self injury.
I am not able to pass my band on quite yet...but I do want to give one to my friend in hopes she can look at it when she feels the need to cut also.
I am hoping that my story might help someone else and I might be able to get a band for my friend as well. I'll pass mine as soon as I feel strong enough.....soon I hope! '
'Thank you!'Name withheld by request
We thank you for being so honest and sharing, your message will help others!
PO Box 64
Sea Girt, NJ 08750

36,000 of our passable wristbands are traveling across
the USA, Canada, UK and Australia
and counting....
"No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted" Aesop